Photo of Britney Shaman

Britney Shaman

Full stack developer based in Fort St. John, BC
... or if that title is foreign to you :
I create web based programs designed specifically for your company. Weather it is just a simple website for your clients to view your services (such as the one you're looking at right now) or a complete server based program to handle internal operations and database correspondance.

weather app image

Weather app

My basic weather app project was the first project I completed using html, css and javascript. I have used API integration to pull real weather information for whatever city you type into the search bar. I've also included a feature where you can view the weather from your current location using javascripts location features.

Horoscope Website

The horoscope website was the first website I ever built. Based on your inputted birth month the website will return your horoscope. I built this basic website using html, css and a little bit of javascript.

horoscope image